Villain Awareness Month 2015

You know the guy.

Terrible posture, bony fingers, the laugh that sounds like a half-strangled weasel.

The guy who’s always stirring up trouble, who never seems to get along with anyone, who’s always muttering under his breath about how awful everything is.

The guy who never seems to stop scheming. The guy who wants to solve all his problems with death rays and blueprints for world domination. The guy with the shifty eyes and the wolfish grin and a melodramatic sense of style that makes you question how many cows were sacrificed to produce that much leather.

He’s the villain.

Oh yes. The bad guy. The antagonist. The crook. The arch-nemesis to the hero we hold so dear. He is the embodiment of all evil and the absence of all mercy. Destruction brings him glee. Children’s tears give him sustenance. He is terrible and he is wicked and yet we absolutely adore him (or her).

Ah yes, everyone loves a good villain. I mean, we hate good villains, but it’s the fact that we hate the good villains that makes us love them. Stories would be so boring if the villains weren’t any good at being evil. There would be no conflict, no climax, no epic final battle in which the hero rises dramatically against all the odds and strikes down the abominable villain, purging them from this world! Without a good villain, the hero looks just a little bit silly.

The villain therefore has a very crucial job. They’ve gotta be mean, they’ve gotta be fierce, they’ve gotta have so much power, they’re just one step away from utterly annihilating the hero and everything they hold dear. They have to strike fear into our hearts, make us believe they might actually win this round, and they have to do it all while having an edgy and bold sense of style. It’s not easy being a villain. Especially since they just end up losing at the end of the day.

That’s what Villain Awareness Month is all about. Recognizing the important work the villains put into their antagonizing as they make each beloved story great. Recognizing how dull our lives would be without them. Appreciating them for everything they do for us.

And laughing at them.

Because while villains are the embodiment of the things we fear most, while they’re the embodiment of hatred and ruthlessness and violence, they can always be defeated. There’s always a hero who can bring them down. And in a lot of cases, the hero gives us a reason to laugh in the villain’s faces. To remember that we can be brave. That we don’t have to be afraid. That there is always hope.

Villains are important. Good villains are important. Villains that become terribly powerful but ultimately lose are especially important. The evilness we find in them reminds us how strong our goodness is. It reminds us why we keep fighting.

So thank you, villains. Thank you for everything you do for us.

Any villains you’d like to thank?

May you never meet a villain you cannot vanquish.


The Warrior Within

I’m sure you’ve heard me say before how it was always my dream, even as a kid, to be a warrior. I’m sure you’ve heard me say before how that lifestyle has inspired me and guided my steps. And I’m sure you understand how pleased and proud I am to be able to confidently say that I feel like a warrior.

Given all the chaos and stress of the past three months (which has doubled in the past month alone, with this new job situation), it’s no surprise that I’m as exhausted as I am. It’s no surprise that I feel just as weary as if I’ve come out of an epic battle. It’s no surprise that I’m wound tighter than a bowstring and that it’s been so easy for me to cry lately. It’s no surprise and it’s not my fault. I’m handling it as best I can.

The fact that I’m still sane, that I’m still belting out songs in the car and dancing as I make my food, that I’m staying connected with my friends and am meeting new people, that I’m writing and gaming and dreaming–all of that is pretty incredible. I’ve had to ask for help a few times (and have been given so much support by both old friends and new acquaintances), but I’ve made it through time and time again. And even though I’m feeling the ache and discouragement of my hardships, there is a resilience within me that has kept me going. Forged into the toughest steel, it gives me strength.

It is my inner warrior.

I found this quote not that long ago and it really stuck in my head:

Do not speak badly of yourself, for the warrior that is inside you hears your words and is lessened by them. You are strong and you are brave. There is a nobility of spirit within you. Let it grow — you will do well enough. 

-David Gemmell, Quest for Lost Heroes

Because even though I’m proud of myself for coping for so long, there have been moments when the frustration and disappointment have caused me to turn on myself. Every time I cry or screw up at work, there’s a temptation to get angry with myself. There’s a temptation to be harshly critical and pick apart my mistakes. There’s a temptation to bully myself into believing that my tears make me weak and hypersensitive. And every time I feel that temptation, I feel my inner warrior losing strength.

That’s when we get into trouble. When even we don’t believe in ourselves, what hope do we have of being successful? How will we have the courage to keep fighting when we don’t deem ourselves capable enough to do so? Why would we fight to protect ourselves, to overcome our trials, if we don’t believe that we are worth fighting for?

There is a warrior within you. Your warrior may not be strong or brave or fearless, but your warrior has potential. And your warrior needs to be nurtured. Don’t let yourself believe that your mistakes make you incompetent; the lesson learned from a failure is worth twice that of a success. Don’t let yourself believe that your tears are an indication of weakness; we cry when we are in pain, and pain is not an easy thing to endure. When your inner warrior falters, believing for a moment that they are not strong enough, you are there to rally their spirits and encourage them to rise to the challenge. You are the one who’s there to support and inspire your inner warrior. You are the one who can make you believe in yourself.

Please don’t forget how important you are. Please be forgiving towards yourself. Please keep believing that you are worth fighting for.

There is a warrior within you, and should you give that warrior a reason to fight, you will be given protection for the rest of your life. While your body may be battered, your soul will be kept safe.

Be kind to yourselves <3

What encouragement would you give your inner warrior?

May the warrior within you never falter, but always find the strength to continue.


Welcome to the Family

Happy Star Wars Day! May the Fourth be with you.

(And also with you.)

Ah, Star Wars. There’s been quite a lot going on in the Star Wars corner of the world lately–the new movie, the TV shows, the Battlefront game. Lots for the fans to get excited about. And boy, are they excited. You can hear them screaming in the streets every time a new piece of info is released.

I have always appreciated the existence of Star Wars, but I never really got into it, truth be told. It’s not that I don’t want to, I just… don’t want to. There’s not this driving need to go out and watch the movies. I suppose if someone offered to marathon them with me, I would say yes, but I have no need to do so on my own. Star Wars is cool, the fandom is great, but I’m a-okay if I’m not a part of it.

Well, sort of.

It was an accident, I swear. I never meant to get into it, but Star Wars Rebels just happened to be on TV and I just happened to leave it on that channel, which led to me just happening to watch one two three episodes. And then the rest of the season. Which then led to me obsessively looking online for info as to when the new episodes would be coming out.

And now I’m hooked. Yet another cartoon I’ve fallen head over heels in love with.

So of course, naturally, I feel the need to gush about it :P

Star Wars Rebels is a beautiful show in a lot of ways, from the symbolic lighting to the wonderfully expressive graphics to the oft-dark storyline (torture, guys–literal torture), but perhaps the most powerful virtue it has is its representation of family.

“We’re not exactly anything. We’re a crew. A team. In some ways, a family.”

Sabine Wren, Star Wars Rebels

Star Wars itself has created an amazing family of fans. From the tiniest of toddlers to the grey-hairedest of adults, there’s an incredible sense of unity between generations. You see it today, on Star Wars Day, and you see it in conventions like Star Wars Celebration. The common love for the Star Wars world bridges the gaps and brings all kinds of fans together. And once you enter this intergalactic family, you’re in it for life.

Star Wars Rebels does a lot to emulate this sense of family. This group of rebels joined together under some pretty dire circumstances. Living in a dangerous galaxy, fighting against the oppressive Empire, narrowly avoiding death time and again, doing all they can to give hope to the people around them, helping those who can’t help themselves. There are a few small victories, but a lot of massive losses. It’s hard to not succumb to despair in a time like this. But when things seem too overwhelming, this precious Space Family has each others’ backs.

There’s something incredible about the bonds that can form in such grim situations. It’s incredible, how people who are at one time strangers can very quickly come to trust each other wholeheartedly when lives are on the line. Time and again in the show, you see someone who is uncertain, afraid, vulnerable, and you see how they are strengthened, comforted, and supported by the rest of the family. There is a deep love between these motley rebels and it’s what gives them their indomitable courage in the face of such overwhelming odds.

I mean, I’m always a sucker for character dynamics, but Star Wars Rebels gives me a lot to work with. Seeing the way each character interacts, seeing how they express their care… it’s heartwarming. You see Kanan, surviving Jedi of Order 66, faltering in his leadership because he’s afraid he’s not good enough. You see Hera, brave Twi’lek pilot, making the most heartwrenching decisions for the good of her crew. You see Sabine, young Mandalorian explosives expert, questioning the crew’s path because she’s afraid of losing everything. You see Zeb, a surviving Lasat of his planet’s annihilation, unsure how to express himself after being so strong for so long. And you see Ezra, the young Space Blueberry padawan, experience all sorts of growing pains as he learns how to open his heart to others. There’s so much emotion in this show, it’s insane.

Every member of the crew has experienced something different–something painful that the others can’t truly understand. They come from different walks of life with different perspectives and motivations, but they’ve all come together because they’ve all shared the same hopelessness. The same fear, the same loneliness. And in each other, they found hope, courage, and comfort.

And then there’s these two. Agh, they make my heart explode with feels. They drive me insane, but I love it. The relationship they have is golden. The bond they’ve formed is so precious. I love them. But they drive me nuts.

I’m such a big fan of the family-but-not-really-family dynamic. It takes a lot, for people to trust each other so deeply like that. Especially when living in such difficult times. It can be so easy, to let pain and fear harden your heart and strengthen your defences. It isn’t easy to let someone in and see your vulnerability. But when you do… this is what happens. You gain a family.

It happens in a lot of stories. It happens in a lot of real-life situations. A special camaraderie can be found on the battlefield, out on the streets, in impoverished countries–even in places like high school. Anywhere that people experience a common despair, there is the potential for bonding. There is the potential for trust and love. There is the potential for family.

And when such a family is formed–a true family, with bonds that will never break–that is when we find our greatest strength.

Together, as one.


What family-but-not-really-family have you found?

May you always have a family to support you, whether blood-bound or soul-bound.


The Boss Battle Awaits

As of Friday, I officially finished my first year of university.

It seems so strange to think that I am actually finished with school. In the middle of April. And I don’t have to go back till September. My brain is so confused, honestly. And I’m still experiencing that residual stress, where I keep thinking there’s work I need to do even though I know there’s not. I’m off the hook. I’m freeeeeeeee! *sails away into the sky*

*descends back to earth* But now is a good time to sit down and think. Reflect. Because this last year has been… wow. A lot less and a lot more than I though it would be. A lot less because it wasn’t as terrifying as I expected. A lot more because it changed me in more ways than I ever anticipated.

The first semester, as you know, went really well. I fell head-over-heels in love with university. I was having the time of my life. The second semester started out the same way. Woo, life was great. And then… mm. Not so much.

I don’t… I don’t really know what happened. Everything was fine up till reading week, in February, and then things just went downhill really fast. Maybe I fell behind, or maybe things actually started piling on, but it became a series of 100m dashes from due date to due date as I struggled to keep up with all the little assignments I had to do. The stress came suddenly, and it came hard. The whole month of March was disgusting. I was starting to count down the days till the end of the semester. I wanted to be done. I was already done, fed up with it all.

So by the time exams rolled around at the beginning of last week, I was absolutely exhausted. Mentally, physically, emotionally. Uuuuugh. I was feeling beaten down, worn thin, and utterly demoralized. I just wanted to sleep. That was the word of the week: sleeeeeep.

And at the end of it all, I had a bit of a breakdown. It was a very painful breakdown, lots of tears, the whole ordeal, but it was a very important breakdown. First of all, that breakdown got rid of all the gross feelings that had accumulated during March, so it was much needed emotional detox. Second, it made me realize something very important about myself.

I am stronger.

In a moment of helplessness, I confessed to myself that I was afraid of going back to how I felt in high school, going back to feeling like everything was wrong. But in a moment of courage, I reminded myself that I’m not who I was a year ago. I am stronger.

The first semester of university was important because it made me braver, surer of myself. I found new independence. I realized I was capable of great things and found pride in myself. It was a fantastic adventure, one which allowed me to become a better person while having a hell of a lot of fun.

But the second semester was the part of the adventure where things stop being fun. Suddenly, the danger is real. Suddenly, the hero is deciding that she really wants to go home and forget about adventuring. It was the darker half of the adventure that leads up to the boss battle at the end of the road.

That was the part of the adventure that was either going to make me or break me.

Thank the gods it didn’t break me.

Well, it nearly broke me. It broke me down, but it didn’t destroy me. It made me stronger. It forced me to find a part of myself that was strong enough to endure the stress. It forced me to find my inner steel. I made it through. I made it through and came out alive and now I have new strength to draw upon.

Strength I’m going to need for the boss battle.

I wish I could say final exams were the boss battle, but unfortunately it looks as though they were the mini-bosses. The henchmen. The real boss battle is set to take place this summer. I’ve been applying desperately to different summer jobs but the only place I’ve actually been accepted is at a factory. A factory. The pay is great but the work itself… terrifies me.

Ohhh, the past few days have been a game of ignorance. Ignoring the fact that I have to sign the job offer on Thursday. Ignoring the fact that I’m soon going to be doing shift work for the next four months. Ignoring the fact that I’m so damn scared that I won’t be able to handle it. Ignoring, ignoring, ignoring. I’m trying to enjoy the few days I have left.

But there have been a few times these past few days when the ignorance just hasn’t worked. The fear, the anxiety–it kicks in full force, making me doubt myself. Making me doubt that I’m going to make it through the summer without absolutely losing it. And it makes me even more anxious, because I haven’t doubted myself like this in a while.

It’s funny, though, because I’m torn between two states of mind. A part of me wants to do this, wants to go through hell and back just to prove she can, and that part is not daunted by a mere factory job. But there is another part, just as strong, that wants to turn around and go home. She wants nothing to do with any of this. She wants to curl up in a ball beneath the stars and keep herself safe and give up on this awful quest. And it’s a tug of war between them, to see which one comes out on top each day.

Is it sad that I’ve only been out of school for a few days and I already want it to be September again?

I really don’t know what I’m going to do, to get through this summer. The fear is gnawing at me. Maybe it will end up being like university, where I do all this worrying for nothing. One can always hope, I suppose.

I’m sure I’ll end up crying, somewhere along the way. The crying hurts, but that’s where I learn the most about myself. And when all my tears are spent, when the scared part of me has exhausted herself–that’s when the strong, dauntless part rises up to protect her. That’s when I find my strength.

You can fight even if you’re afraid.

You can be strong even through your tears.

You can have faith even when you’ve lost sight of hope.

These are all lessons I’m learning. Lessons I’m trying to live up to. These lessons are the faith that I’m clinging to, the faith that I’m relying on to carry me through to the other side.

So why all the Legend of Zelda pictures? Because Link, Zelda, Sheik, Impa–they all inspire me. They inspire me to rise to the challenge, defy the odds, and destroy all enemies who dare stand in my way. They inspire me to protect what I love, even if it happens to be myself. They inspire me to always find the strength to keep going.

If you can’t find hope, sometimes you have to make your own.

This will be a difficult boss battle, that much is certain, but I will have to prove to be a difficult adversary. I will have to prove myself, prove my mettle. One way or another, I have to do this. It is my quest. I am its champion.

What quest must you embark upon?

May you rise to the occasion and endure all the boss battles that come your way.


If I can beat Ganondorf, I can beat this, right?


Valourbörn’s Got Villains: The Black Knight


*cue cheesy game show music*

Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, baddies and ne’er-do-wells, to the final installment of VALOURBÖRN’S GOT VILLAINS!

In this round, we’re taking a look at The Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail!

He might not have won the fight, but it doesn’t make him any less of a villain!

Frightening Features:

  1. Bucket Helmet: you can’t see inside it and he probably can’t see out of it, but that’s what makes this practical helmet so effective! Easily made from an upturned bucket, it instantly turns the Black Knight into a faceless adversary who feels neither pain nor emotion.
  2. Stoic Demeanour: people are naturally intimidated by those who are cool and removed, and the Black Knight pulls this off brilliantly, refusing to speak for the first several seconds of his appearance on screen.
  3. Sacred Duty: some villains focus on taking over the world, but the villains whose sole purposes in life are to be obstacles barring the success of the good guys are seriously underrated. What’s not to hate about someone who blocks your way? What’s not evil about someone who exists just to prevent you from succeeding?
  4. Invincibility to Pain: most of the villains in the world aren’t that bad because they can be beaten. They feel pain, they’re hindered by injury, and they can eventually be defeated. The thing that makes the Black Knight so terrifying, however, is that he doesn’t feel pain. He doesn’t flinch when he loses his limbs. He just keeps on going.
  5. Die-Hard Spirit: and when I say the Black Knight doesn’t feel pain, I mean it. Even when all his arms and legs have been chopped out and he’s bleeding all over the place, he’s still determined to keep fighting. Really, if you just keep trying long enough, how could you possibly fail at being evil?

Tragic Past:

Um. Well. The Black Knight doesn’t have much of a past at all, really, but I’m sure if he did, it would be tragic.

Evil in Action:

So what’s this Black Knight guy all about, anyways?

Nothing can keep him down!

So now, let’s hear the audience’s opinion:

 This is how voting works: you can vote as many times as you like for your favourite Black Knight feature. Then, on November 11th, the results of the voting will be unveiled with a super sneaky project I have planned.

Happy Villain Awareness Month!


Valourbörn’s Got Villains: Bane


*cue cheesy game show music*

Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, baddies and ne’er-do-wells, to the fourth installment of VALOURBÖRN’S GOT VILLAINS!

In this round, we’re taking a look at Bane, foe of Batman!

Frightening Features:

  1. Gnarly Braces: I can tell you from personal experience that braces are horrifying. Bane’s braces in particular look especially so. Although I have to say, if my braces made me look like a cyborg like his does, it might not have been so bad. At least Bane’s headgear makes him look cool.
  2. Stylish Jacket: just imagine Bane striding down the sidewalk with this fashion statement flapping in the breeze! Heads will turn, people will stare, lips will whisper his name in awe. This baddie’s key to street cred is dressing for success.
  3. Hairless Scalp: some villains go around thinking their hair is sooooo fabulous and it makes them look soooo cool, but Bane knows better than that. His scalp is so evil and so scary, hair doesn’t even want to think of growing on it.
  4. Entourage: only very important people get entourages, and Bane is a very important person indeed. So important, in fact, that he doesn’t just get an entourage, he gets an entourage with guns. And camo. Jealous?
  5. Knee Pads: all of this adds up to creating a smashing villainous façade of evil, but what really ties it together is the knee pads. You just know you can’t defeat someone wearing knee pads.

Tragic Past:

Bane has not had a happy life. He was born in a prison, living in darkness every day, until he was beaten to a pulp for helping his friend escape. He was then left wearing those terrible braces (seriously, that’s braces on his face, I know these things) and enduring the humiliation of them. That’s enough to turn anyone to the dark side.

Evil in Action:

Now let’s take a look at some of Bane’s work in action…

Look at this hooligan, blowing things up willy-nilly. He should never be allowed near buttons. Ever.

So now, let’s hear the audience’s opinion!

 This is how voting works: you can vote as many times as you like for your favourite Bane feature. Then, on November 5th, the results of the voting will be unveiled with a super sneaky project I have planned.

ALSO! If there’s a certain villain you’d like to see featured in the upcoming presentations, tell me the name in the comments!

Happy Villain Awareness Month!


Valourbörn’s Got Villains: Davy Jones


*cue cheesy game show music*

Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, baddies and ne’er-do-wells, to the second installment of VALOURBÖRN’S GOT VILLAINS!

In this round, we’re taking a look at the infamous Davy Jones, devil of the seas!

Wait, wrong Davy Jones… just a second…

There! That’s the old devil.

Frightening Features:

  1. Slimy Beard: some villains gain their reputation not by being strongest or scariest, but by being most repulsive. Jones is doing it right by having the nastiest beard possible–one made of pure, slimy tentacles.
  2. Crushing Claw: when you’ve got tentacles for a beard, what better thing to pair it with than a big ol’ claw for a hand? Not only does it make you look like a horrible monster and prevent people from trying to shake your hand, but it can also serve as a weapon if you’re in a pinch. Get it, pinch?
  3. Jarringly Human Eyes: when you look like a monster, people expect every part of you to look like a monster. But Davy Jones challenges that with his terrifyingly human gaze that unsettles even the bravest of pirates. Nothing is more blood-chilling than the knowledge that this “monster” is really a human who’s been warped and twisted to look like a monster.
  4. Nasty Cronies: Davy Jones isn’t the only monster around, either. He’s got good company about him. His whole crew has been cursed to turn into sea-themed abominations to instill the maximum possible repulsion into his foes.
  5. Crusty Old Hat: but what’s worse than having flesh like a monster? Dressing like one too. Seriously, bad fashion sense is terrifying, and Jones really proves this with his disgusting hat. If he ever went toe-to-toe with a fashion guru, the guru would die from shock and horror.

Tragic Past:

Davy Jones’s tragic past is one of broken love. After he was stood up on a date he waited ten years for, he was in so much emotional agony, he cut out his own broken heart and locked it in a box. If that isn’t the sign of a man turned to evil, I don’t know what is.

Evil in Action:

Now let’s take a look at some of Jones’s work in action…

Wow, what a talent! Who else can brag that they can play the organ with their beard? And what a spot-on song choice, too. Jones is clearly the best of the best.

So now, let’s hear the audience’s opinion!

 This is how voting works: you can vote as many times as you like for your favourite Davy Jones feature. Then, on November 1st, the results of the voting will be unveiled with a super sneaky project I have planned.

ALSO! If there’s a certain villain you’d like to see featured in the upcoming presentations, tell me the name in the comments!

Happy Villain Awareness Month!


Valourbörn’s Got Villains: Loki


*cue cheesy game show music*

Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, baddies and ne’er-do-wells, to the second installment of VALOURBÖRN’S GOT VILLAINS!

In this round, we’re taking a look at Loki, Norse god of mischief!

I’m sure many would argue that Loki is much more popular than his heroic rival Thor, so let’s take a look at why this might be.

Frightening Features:

  1. Striking Helmet: you can’t miss this horned hat. It slightly resembles something demonic, don’t you think?, just adding to his aura of you-don’t-wanna-mess-with-me-ness.
  2. Deadly Weapon: in this case, it’s a pretty nifty blue light-up staff thing that can control people’s minds with a single touch! If that doesn’t scream villainy, I don’t know what does.
  3. His Face: I’ve been told that when you have a face of otherworldly beauty, people live in awe of you. Loki clearly got the memo on this one, as many people find his face to be frighteningly beautiful. Some might even say god-like. Maybe that’s a matter of opinion, but as long as it means he’s got an army of awestruck followers, he’s doing something right.
  4. Unstoppable Army: Speaking of army, one should note that Loki’s army is quite unstoppable indeed. It’s very hard to see in this particular picture, but if you squint, you can see the horde of rabid fangirls in the background. These Loki-obsessed ladies will rip you limb from limb if you even think of disobeying or criticizing their beloved god.
  5. Luscious Locks: of course, looks are just about everything when you’re trying to take over the world (if your face is gonna be plastered on the side of every skyscraper, you definitely want to be looking your best), and Loki knows you can’t forget the hair. His hair is long and luscious and completes his World-Domination-Ready appearance.

Tragic Past:

Now, Loki has been subject to some childhood trauma that I can testify is the worst trauma a child could ever endure: sibling rivalry. He lived always under the shadow of his brother Thor. BUT, plot twist–they’re not real brothers. To make things even worse for Loki, he was also adopted. As you can tell, he clearly had it very rough and it’s obvious how this has twisted his soul and turned him to evil.

Evil in Action:

Now let’s take a look at some of Loki’s work in action…

Oooh, what arrogance. What boldness. What a smile. He’s clearly well-versed in what it takes to be a villain. No wonder there are so many vicious fangirls who praise him!

So now, let’s hear the audience’s opinion!

 This is how voting works: you can vote as many times as you like for your favourite Loki feature. Then, on November 1st, the results of the voting will be unveiled with a super sneaky project I have planned.

ALSO! If there’s a certain villain you’d like to see featured in the upcoming presentations, tell me the name in the comments!

Happy Villain Awareness Month!


VAM: Valourbörn’s Got Villains

Where oh where are all the villains this fine Villain Awareness Month?

First of all: I am so so so so so sorry that I haven’t posted any much villain awareness stuff! Midterms, I tell you! Academic failure! That’s the best excuse I have so it’s the one I’m choosing to hide behind.

Second: the other day I had this pleasant surprise:

200followers200 followers! I am officially non-nominatable for the Liebster Award, which is so, so surreal. I owe you all an enormous thank you–it’s been hard for me, the past few months, to find things I wanted to post on Valourbörn, and there have admittedly been periods of inactivity. Your endless support, coupled with the (amazingly) growing followers list has been encouraging and kept me going. Seriously. I feel like I may have gotten off-track with VB, but after Halloween, I plan on getting back where I want to be. I’ll get through this blogger’s block, I swear. But really, again, THANK YOU for deeming my blog to be worthy enough for your follow, and for many of you, sticking around for so long!

Okay, so now that the heartfelt stuff is done (but thank you thank you thank you!), I must announce that there are less than 10 days left till Halloween! TEN! We’re nearing single digits! Can you believe this?!?!?! And so to make use of what little time we have left, I am going to pack this blog full of villains! Starting now, with the release of…


*cue cheesy game show music*

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, baddies and ne’er-do-wells, to the ultimate villain celebration you’ve all been waiting for!

In this ten-day event, some of the most-demanded villains of all time will be showcased, their methods and madness critiqued and admired, their infamy examined and their sheer force of evilness unveiled for all to bask in! In just ten days, these villains will be picked apart so that you, viewers at home, will soon know how you can harness your own evil power and become the villain that this world needs!

And to kick us off, may I present the winner of last year’s Villain Showdowns: DARTH VADER!

This striking villain won fan approval last season and is back for more, so let’s take a look at what makes him so great!

Frightening Features:

  1. Faceless Mask: this concealing wardrobe choice is great for hiding your true feelings from the world. This is the best way to pull off a joke, because as far as others know, you’re completely deadpanning it. And have to deal with someone you don’t like? You can make whatever rude face you want at them and they won’t suspect a thing.
  2. Deadly Weapon: if you’re going to be striking fear into the hearts of your underlings, you’re going to need a weapon that shows you mean business. A glowing red beam of pain and death ought to do it, don’t you think?
  3. Cool Backup: as any singer would tell you, the backup dancers are important. They can’t be cooler than you, but they can’t fall flat either. Looks like Vader’s got himself some pretty wicked-looking support to help boost his rotten reputation.
  4. Superior Technology: Darth Vader’s showing off his smarts by displaying his proficiency for advanced technology directly on his chest! Who can ignore the fact that he’s probably got a button on there that could kill you with a single press?
  5. Awesome Black Cape: capes are a tradition amongst heroes and villains alike, but Vader knows that if you’re going to be a successful villain, you’ve got to have the pitch black cape. Not only does he blend into the shadows of every room, but he’s also wearing his heart on his sleeve–that is, his cape is the same colour as his heart.
  6. Sneaky Skirt: no one can deny that Darth Vader’s got style, and the style gurus will tell you that high fashion is all about the unexpected. Vader shows off his unexpected side by proudly wearing a skirt–that doesn’t look like a skirt. He gets points for his good fashion sense and for his powers of deception.

Tragic Past:

Some of the nastiest villains are born from the most heart-wrenching of back-stories, and Vader is no exception. This nefarious fiend suffered the death of the woman he loved, having his legs and an arm chopped off, and being burned alive before he became good and truly evil, and it was this suffering that made him hell-bent on revenge.

Evil in Action:

Now let’s take a look at some of Vader’s work in action…

Dramatic music, heavy breathing, fit of anger, dramatic NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! at the end–very good, very good! Darth Vader certainly has a sense of melodrama that serves him well in his evil schemes.


It seems Darth Vader also has an infamous quote! Sound familiar?


It’s clear why Darth Vader’s a fan-favourite villain–he’s got it all! He’s got the look, the traumatic past, the meloramatic flair, and a famous line that even people who have never watched the movies can’t help but know. He is clearly a wicked soul straight through, and definitely not someone you want to mess with.

So now, let’s hear the audience’s opinion!

 This is how voting works: you can vote as many times as you like for your favourite Darth Vader feature. Then, on November 1st, the results of the voting will be unveiled with a super sneaky project I have planned.

ALSO! If there’s a certain villain you’d like to see featured in the upcoming presentations, tell me the name in the comments!

Happy Villain Awareness Month!
